The Tammy Baldwin ceasefire flip-flop came after she was hounded for weeks by pro-Palestinian protesters.
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin has caved into pressure from Anti-Israel protesters and is now calling for Israel to engage in a ceasefire with the terrorist group even though she said just days ago that a ceasefire is "really asking Israel to unilaterally stop and we know Hamas won’t."
Baldwin's action comes just days after Wisconsin Right Now first revealed that Baldwin had
become a TikTok trend, after Pro-Palestinian activists confronted Baldwin in a video in which she appeared rattled and did not directly address their concerns or defend Israel. Some of the videos have been viewed thousands of times, as was our story.
Baldwin's about-face also came after
she met with the group World Beyond War
after it and other groups conducted a sit-in at her office. She has been repeatedly confronted by pro-Palestinian activists in recent weeks, who demanded she capitulate on a ceasefire, which she now has done.
Fox News reported that Baldwin also met with Jewish Voice for Peace and the Madison Rafah Sister City Project before flip-flopping on a ceasefire.
The Rafah group's website includes a list of news stories from Hamas' perspective and basically reads like an anti-Israel screed. An example of a story displayed on the group's home page: "'No negotiation' on hostage release until Israel aggression stops, says Hamas – video." It also accuses Israel of "genocide." J
ewish Voice for Peace accuses Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and other "atrocities.' The group World Beyond War
accuses Israel of war crimes.
These are the groups Baldwin just met with via zoom and caved to.
On Friday, Baldwin was speaking a different tune. “I support a temporary ceasefire for as long as it possibly can be,” Baldwin told the liberal news site,
Wisconsin Examiner. “What I will not tell Israel is that you cannot defend yourself against Hamas and protect the country from something like that happening again.”
“We know that Hamas will not agree to a ceasefire,” she added on Friday to the Examiner. “So you’re really asking Israel to unilaterally stop and we know Hamas won’t, both through words and actions.”
On Thursday, she did just that.
"I support the resumption of a humanitarian ceasefire, in order to accelerate the delivery of humanitarian aid, protect innocent civilians and civilian sites, and negotiate the release of the hostages taken on October 7th,"
Baldwin wrote in a press release. However, she failed to explain how a ceasefire would put any pressure on Hamas to release hostages, including Americans.
Baldwin also said she wanted to "ensure no Palestinians are forcibly removed from Gaza." That would, then, presumably include Hamas based on how the press release was worded.
Throughout the videos, which have been shared multiple times on TikTok, Baldwin looked like a deer caught in the headlights, pausing and never fully addressing the activists' comments. She also never stood up for Israel as they accused the Jews of committing genocide. It's not clear when the videos were recorded, although they were posted in November 2023 and reference current events relating to Israel and Gaza.
Tammy Baldwin Videos
Although the TikTok trend involves pro-Palestinian activists, Baldwin has also been criticized for writing a gushing letter of support in 2019 for CAIR, a pro-Islamic group
with alleged links to Hamas.
Tammy Baldwin’s record of supporting Israel has been weak over the years. She proudly supported the Iran deal, opposed sanctions against Iran, voted against an act making it illegal to boycott Israel, opposed Israel’s annexation of the West Bank, supported the creation of a Palestinian State, and voted against an act that would give security funding to Israel.
But that's not enough for the left-wing activists, who are perhaps noticing that, as is typical of her, Baldwin is now trying to remake herself as tougher on Hamas now that she is up for re-election and expected to face a tough Republican challenger, likely businessmen Eric Hovde or Scott Mayer. Multiple pages shared the Tammy Baldwin video on TikTok.
"Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza right now; will you support a ceasefire to save lives right now," an activist demanded in the Tammy Baldwin video.
It shows Baldwin start by saying, "We are a battleground state," before an activist says, "Senator, what's at stake right now are the lives of Palestinians."
The caption on that Tammy Baldwin video reads, "The whole world has woken up. You will no longer deceive us. Free Palestinian.”
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