
Showing posts from July, 2024

How the Media Bend Into Pretzels to Avoid Reporting Conservative News Scoops

This same trend is playing out in the media's failure to aggressively cover Joe Biden's cognitive challenges. When I first started writing for Wisconsin Right Now four years ago, I found myself completely baffled by the media's news judgment. I've been an award-winning journalist for more than 25 years, 10 of them spent at the state's largest newspaper. I've won so many journalism awards I lost count. My point in raising that is to underscore: I know when something's a story. But now - things that I knew were stories suddenly weren't. For example, there's no question that it should have been a huge story that a state Supreme Court candidate was accused of serious allegations from her past (and I'm sure it would have been if they were raised against conservative Dan Kelly). It should have been a huge story that the state was systemically failing to notify victim's family members of the paroles of brutal killers and rapists, a requirem

Mike Thurston & Lesli Boese: His Non-Prosecution Percentage is 8Xs Higher

The numbers also show that Waukesha County DA Sue Opper's office overall has an extremely low non-prosecution percentage compared to Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm. Her office charges about 92 percent of cases, on average. Waukesha County DA candidate Mike Thurston has a much higher non-prosecution percentage than his opponent in the race, Lesli Boese, and that's held true over time. Since 2022, Thurston's non-prosecution percentage averaged 21 percent. Boese's non-prosecution percentage averaged only 1.6 percent, according to records obtained by Wisconsin Right Now through an open records request. What is a non-prosecution percentage? Police refer charges to the DA's office, and a prosecutor is assigned to review the case. The non-prosecution percentage is the percentage of those cases that a prosecutor rejects, not choosing to file criminal charges. However, our open records request shows, Thurston handles twice as many cases and has fewer cases stil

City of Waukesha to Review Handling of Parade Rules After Hovde Incident, Mayor Says

Waukesha Mayor Shawn Reilly tells Wisconsin Right Now that the city of Waukesha will review how it enforces its parade rules after Republican Eric Hovde was barred from walking in the city's 4th of July parade because he's a non-incumbent candidate, while a Democrat running for Congress was allowed in. "The City will be reviewing the parade policies and procedures before the next application process and will review how the rules are enforced on the parade day," Reilly said. Reilly said parade rules ban people running for office. But he admitted that the rules were not abided by. "However, we understand that at the parade, some political signs were held up and some campaigning may have been taking place. These activities were not noted on the application for the parade units and were not noticed before the parade began," he said. Check out for yourself. Here's the Democrat Party contingent, including Democrat candidate Ben Steinhoff, who is runn

Milwaukee Radio Host Earl Ingram Says Biden Team Gave Him 'Exact' Questions To Ask

Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram has revealed that the Joe Biden campaign gave him the "exact" questions to ask before Biden appeared on his show. He's the second host to reveal the same. “They gave me the exact questions to ask,” Ingram told The Associated Press . “There was no back and forth.” "Yes, I was given some questions for Biden," Ingram told ABC News, which reported, "Ingram said he was given five questions and ended up asking four of them." The radio appearances came as Biden's team was trying to prove the president's fitness for office after a controversial debate in which Biden rambled incoherently at times. "I have a few questions that I'd like to ask you, sir," Ingram said at the start of the July 4 interview. "Fire away, man," Biden said. "Can you speak to some accomplishments that we may or may not be familiar with about your record, especially here in Wisconsin," Ingram ask

Wisconsin Ballots Can Now Be Handed in Through 'Unsecured Sacks,' Dropbox Dissent Says

The Wisconsin dropbox decision is yet another example of the liberal justices operating above the law, the dissent indicates. In a fiery dissent, conservative Wisconsin Justice Rebecca Bradley accused the liberal partisans controlling the court's majority of forsaking "the rule of law in an attempt to advance" a political agenda, by legalizing unmanned dropboxes in elections. She wrote that the liberals' decision would allow Wisconsin ballots to be turned in through unsecured sacks or an "unattended cardboard box." "An unattended cardboard box on the clerk's driveway? An unsecured sack sitting outside the local library or on a college campus? Door-to-door retrieval from voters' homes or dorm rooms? Under the majority's logic, because the statute doesn't expressly forbid such methods of ballot delivery, they are perfectly lawful." "The members of the majority in this case make their will the law, according four lawyer

Eric Hovde Banned From Walking in Waukesha July 4th Parade, But Dem Allowed

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde was banned from walking in the once rock-solid conservative city's 4th of July parade Thursday because the parade supposedly has a rule that only incumbent politicians can participate, according to two sources familiar with the situation. However, social media posts and the city's live stream show at least one Democratic non-incumbent, Congressional candidate Ben Steinhoff, was allowed to walk in the parade. In fact, Hovde had to walk on the sidewalk and shake hands there instead, one of the sources told WRN exclusively. In addition, parade officials wouldn't let anyone with a Hovde shirt walk in the parade, either, that source said. The live stream posted by the city confirms Hovde was not in the parade. Meanwhile, the parade's live-stream shows a person walking with the Democrat Party holding a Tammy Baldwin sign aloft. "Eric (Hovde) walked with the (GOP) party at Menomonee Falls yesterday and New Berlin today

Ashley Reichert & Josh Schoemann: How Washington County Is Taking the Lead on Election Integrity

"I’m proud that we are the first county to fund additional election integrity measures for November’s crucial election" - Washington Co. Executive Josh Schoemann Washington County, Wisconsin, is tightening the integrity of the election process in a sweeping package championed by County Clerk Ashley Reichert and County Executive Josh Schoemann that provides for a county-wide audit and other measures in November. "These measures can significantly reinforce the electoral process’s integrity and assist in enhancing public confidence in our democratic system," Reichert said in a press release of the numerous steps the county is implementing for the 2024 election. The issue is part of Reichert's platform in November herself, as she is up for re-election. The election integrity package, which passed the County Board, provides: • Enhanced in-person absentee hours on a voluntary basis, "that will allow our communities to provide extended voting hours c

President 'Dr.' Jill Biden Is Behaving Despicably [WRN VOICES]

The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is over. Shown only on CNN, which enjoyed higher ratings than it usually experiences, 51.27 million people tuned in. That number equates to 33% of people who voted in the presidential election of 2020 (a record, for the 21st century, 66.8% turnout at the time with 154.6 million votes cast ). Of course, not all those watching may have been of voting age or even American citizens, but it is a good bet that many were. And many have concerns. Trump clearly won. The AP and other Democratic outlets, including Joe Biden, insist that all Trump did was lie, lie, lie. Although Trump got some things wrong, some people want to ignore the fact that Biden told falsehoods and half-truths in the debate. To Trump’s credit, he was able to debunk the Charlottesville quote that the left and Biden seem so fond of. Trump said that there were “very fine people on both sides," but he made it clear that he wasn't talking about ne